You First Project | An Interview Series about Prioritizing You
In this interview, Bonnie O’Boyle talks about bliss being our birthright. She’s a graduate of Self-Full Living™, the inspirational muse for it, who completed her sabbatical through the class. She talks about the challenge of moving from a place where her whole life and all of her energy was going into her work, her youth group, her job, her friends when there was just nothing left for her to a place where she now has room for her own dreams, writing and music.
“If you’re so caught up in what everybody else wants, then how is spirit going to guide you to your truth, a path that is your blueprint that you were born with that you agreed to do or be when you came into this lifetime? If you have all of this chatter about what you have to do for all of these people, then you can’t center and be with God and know what spirit intends for you and what you and spirit are collaborating on.”
She talks about what it’s like now, shares her wisdom about reconnecting with yourself, hitting your upper limits and realizing those things in our life that look like tragedy can actually reveal what it is we really want.
I really enjoyed reconnecting with Bonnie and am excited to share her with you! We had some audio challenges with this recording, but I think you’ll be inspired by what she has to share and go away with some nuggets of wisdom that you can use in your own life.
Bonnie is presenting a workshop Living in the Vortex of Bliss at Ozark Research Institute on Sunday, August 2, 2015. If you’re in Northwest Arkansas, here are the details so that you can participate.
Bliss thermostat (upper limits) – The Big Leap